

Hi! We are a small company of two dreamers based in sunny Sydney in Australia,
and we welcome you on Outrocket.com.

  • Why Outrocket?

    We are so inspired by the progress happened in the space industry over the last few years that we decided to create Outrocket.com to help us (and you!) keep track of what's going on with rocket launches.

  • The question

    It turned out to be surprisingly difficult to answer one simple question: "When is the next launch?" After many sleepless nights over data sources, with a bit of programming, magic hand-waving, and other sophisticated techniques, we've built a system to find the answer.

    Just check the main page of our site to see what rocket will be launched next!

The database

Oh, and while doing all that we've accidentally built a whole database of all rocket launches ever happened. And then added to the mix all upcoming launches (well, most of them). Check it out!

  • 7503Past launches
  • 399Planned launches
  • 19Countries
  • 118Rockets